Lot 6769 P

Poland. ★★/★/⊙. Grandfathers' collection including the genuine 5 and 10 o/ps mint pair on the 1919 Germania types, otherwise known as the Posen issues, both stamps with expertisation marks on reverse. Also the 1918 Poland in transition and 1919 horseman definitive issues, very well filled, often parallel mint and used with occasional outside of the box, through to the inflationary period, leading to the 1924 defins and then for the most part well filled pages through to the 1930s, inc m/s such as the purple stratosphere MNH, ending with a range of the Teschen plebiscite issues, seemingly complete, as well as Upper Silesia. A lovely collection that gets better on each inspection, a much recommended viewing for the Poland specialist. Some * stamps mounted with damaging hinges, but most are OK.
