Lot 2696 Bc

Germany, mixed. Covers. An extraordinary lifelong accumulation of covers and occasionally postmarks. Much is 19th century from stampless through to postal stationery, all used until the late 1920/30s – there are no unused covers. Various areas, primarily Prussian regions, towns present such as Charlottenburg, Copenick, Friedenau, Frohhau, Grunewald, Hohenschonhausen, Lichtenberg, Lichterfeld, Mariendorf, etc to name but a few, etc inc incoming and outgoing mail. There is a lot of early advertising and occasional Third Reich propaganda. There are a few thousands covers, we guesstimate about 500 per box, i.e. 4000 and not forgetting a smaller quantity of 100s of 19th century postmarks, generally superb written up on cards. Many of the covers would sell for 10 to 20 euro each, no doubt sometimes much more. Allow yourself plenty of time to view as this fascinating range would benefit from yet further research with a Michel and other specialised literature. Many good finds to be made, great fun. Approx. 30 kg.
