Poland. Collection ★/⊙ 1860-1950 in Leuchtturm album. A beautiful and apparently COMPLETE collection except 10kr Poczta Polska, a few Groszy ovpt sets and Groszy ovpt s/s, and s/s 1 being cut down. Also excluding back of the book. Starting with TWO nice used copies of #1, several signed Poczta Polska ovpts inkl Mi 36-37, 46 and 47, 135-36 owners mark, also inverted surcharges (assumed false) many better later ones incl Mi 213-23 x, good stamps, sets and s/s from the 1920's and 1930's, s/s 5A+B, 6, 390-92 where 25gr and 1zt represented with both perfs, 390 all city ovpts, s/s 9 xx, 10-11 x, Roosewelt set with Grosxy ovpt used. A great collection that is presented fully at www.philea.se. Fine quality.