Lot 2022 K

Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Great Britain. Partly prepaid letter sent from GÖTHEBORG 7.6.1846 by the Norwegian steamer "Christiania" via Copenhagen to Kiel (ship route existing 1847–1850). From Kiel sent to KDPA ALTONA 9.6.46 to Cuxhafen and by packet to London with arrival pmk CY 2.JUL.1846. Prepaid to Hamburg/Altona. Postage notations "20 s" corresponds to the förskjutne skillingar, "45" (rbs) to the Danish transit 1½ × 29, and "13" (rbs) to the Elbe money. The receipient had to pay the British packet postage "1/8" (but should have been 3/4 due to the weight of 1½ lod). Archive fold. Probably UNIQUE ship mail item. Ex. Nilsson.
