ALL WORLD. Mostly used. Several 100 stamps mint and used, housed in a gold old fashioned grandfather’s Lincoln stamp album, somewhat battered, housing stamps in all kinds of condition, overwhelmingly stuck down as was the custom. While the beginning of the album is particularly remaindered, it leads on to stronger countries such as GB, German States particularly with Saxony and Wurttemberg, Hungary with both printings of the first Franz Josef, 19th century German locals, beat up Scandinavia cut round Finland, Norway skilling issues etc, Romania with some nice classics, Italian States ,etc. Then the section of Asia with lots of Hong Kong QV, as well as China with various coiling dragons, interesting Japan inc 19th century revenues, Iran, Cape of Good Hope, Natal inc high values EDVIII, Transvaal, United States inc back of the book and much more, possibly the best is the Australian States section in the last few pages. Viewing highly recommended, please don’t forget that the condition is very mixed, however the catalogue will be gigantic.