Finland. Facit 7 used, 1866 Coat-of-Arms Finnish values 10 p black on yellow paper. One broken perf. SEK 2500
Finland. Facit 7 used, 1866 Coat-of-Arms Finnish values 10 p black on yellow paper. One broken perf. SEK 2500 Show less
Finland. Facit 10 used, 1867 Coat-of-Arms Finnish values 1 Mk brown. A few creased perfs, one or two somewhat short. SEK 7500
Finland. Facit 10 used, 1867 Coat-of-Arms Finnish values 1 Mk brown. A few creased perfs, one or two somewhat short. SEK 7500 Show less
Finland. Facit 11 used, 1875 Coat of Arms m/75 32 p carmine, Copenhagen printing (1). Cancelled with a blue cancellation ÅBO. SEK 4000
Finland. Facit 11 used, 1875 Coat of Arms m/75 32 p carmine, Copenhagen printing (1). Cancelled with a blue cancellation ÅBO. SEK 4000 Show less
Finland. Facit 165 on cover, 1930 Zeppelin overprint 10 Mk on postcard to Denmark from HELSINKI 24.9.30. SEK 2400
Finland. Facit 165 on cover, 1930 Zeppelin overprint 10 Mk on postcard to Denmark from HELSINKI 24.9.30. SEK 2400 Show less
Finland. Post bus Facit BF14–17 ★★, 1981 Postbus m/81 SET (4). Complete set of 4 booklets, scarce item. Ex. Contenta. SEK 13000
Finland. Post bus Facit BF14–17 ★★, 1981 Postbus m/81 SET (4). Complete set of 4 booklets, scarce item. Ex. Contenta. SEK 13000 Show less