Lot 105

Coins, Sweden. Karl XI, SM 351, 1 öre SM 1680. 40.97 g. SMB 554. This auction specimen has "everything"! Perfect centering, perfect strike and fully orginal genuine natural copper tone with sporadic evidence of the red luster in protected areas of design. This is a very impressive example when the roller striking- despite heavy influence of stress in processing and heavy use of mechanical machinery managed to finish such a as close to ever perfect product, nor only to function as a regular "people coin" for heavy circulation duty but- in addition- a beauty by design and harmony! In addition, it is worth observing that the third side of this specimen, the edge and razor sharp rim (made from the punching mechanism) is evidence that this piece has been in caring hands since its very birth (strike). THIS IS AN OUTSTANDING EXTREMELY SELECTED COLLECTOR`S ITEM, BELONGING TO THE ELITE EXCLUSIVE CROWD OF JUST A FEW TOP SURVIVORS OF MANY MILLION MINTED COINS OF THIS TYPE REGARDLESS OF DATE. 01/0.
