Motivsamlingar (18)

Objektnummer över 5000 är prissänkta objekt från tidigare auktioner.

Lot 3457
Aktuellt bud: 3200 SEK
Lot 3457
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Lot 3457 P
Resultat: 3200 SEK
Utrop: 700 SEK
Thematics Slania. Michel 796 A. (*). Sweden 1972 Gustaf VI Adolf 75 öre black-blue. Specially made plate-proof in black. Thematics Slania. Michel 796 A. (*). Sweden 1972 Gustaf VI Adolf 75 öre black-blue. Specially made plate-proof in black. Visa mindre
Lot 3458
Aktuellt bud: 23500 SEK
Lot 3458
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Lot 3458 Fd
Resultat: 23500 SEK
Utrop: 4000 SEK
Thematics Slania. Michel 798–802. (*). Sweden 1972 90th Birthday of Gustaf VI Adolf SET (5). Five different specially ma.. Läs mer Thematics Slania. Michel 798–802. (*). Sweden 1972 90th Birthday of Gustaf VI Adolf SET (5). Five different specially made plate-proofs (one slightly stained) in black. All kept in an elegant leather-lined box. Gift from the Swedish Postmaster General to a prominent member of "Kungakommittén 1972". Scarce items! The entire lot is presented at Visa mindre
Lot 3459
Aktuellt bud: 3600 SEK
Lot 3459
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Lot 3459 P
Resultat: 3600 SEK
Utrop: 900 SEK
Thematics Slania. KUSTHAVET. Five steel engravings of Slania, Z Jakus, M Mörck, L Sjööblom and P Nas.. Läs mer Thematics Slania. KUSTHAVET. Five steel engravings of Slania, Z Jakus, M Mörck, L Sjööblom and P Naszarkowski. Editor Posten Frimärken 1991. Visa mindre
Lot 3460
Utrop 700 SEK
Lot 3460
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Lot 3460 A
Utrop: 700 SEK
Thematics Air mail. Accumulation covers 1900s in visir album. 29 covers and picture postcards, e.g. one item from Col Ch.. Läs mer Thematics Air mail. Accumulation covers 1900s in visir album. 29 covers and picture postcards, e.g. one item from Col Charles Lindbergh. All items from the US. Many of the items are "first flight items". Fine quality. Visa mindre
Lot 3461
Aktuellt bud: 2000 SEK
Lot 3461
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Lot 3461 Cc
Resultat: 2000 SEK
Utrop: 2000 SEK
Thematics Europa CEPT. Accumulation mostly ** 1956–1988 in banana box. 5 albums with CEPT issues, also from the "small m.. Läs mer Thematics Europa CEPT. Accumulation mostly ** 1956–1988 in banana box. 5 albums with CEPT issues, also from the "small member states". Single stamps, sets, series, mini sheets, complete stamp panes etc. A huge material Remaining parts from a stamp dealer's stock. Excellent quality. (1000s) Visa mindre
Lot 3462
Utrop 700 SEK
Lot 3462
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Lot 3462 Cb
Utrop: 700 SEK
Thematics Europa CEPT. Mostly used. Collection 1956-74+ 1985-94 in three Kabe albums, approx. 650 stamps. Also ** coll... Läs mer Thematics Europa CEPT. Mostly used. Collection 1956-74+ 1985-94 in three Kabe albums, approx. 650 stamps. Also ** coll. Spain 1969-78 in two Lindner falzlos albums, ca 570 copies incl. some mini sheets. Visa mindre
Lot 3463
Utrop 9000 SEK
Lot 3463
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Lot 3463 Sc
Utrop: 9000 SEK
Thematics Flowers. Collection ** mainly 1950s–1980s in four large stockbooks. A great coll. of sets and souvenir sheets.. Läs mer Thematics Flowers. Collection ** mainly 1950s–1980s in four large stockbooks. A great coll. of sets and souvenir sheets of flowers, plants, mushrooms etc from ASIA and OCEANIA including many medium priced items. E.g. popular French areas in Oceania, dito Commonwealth, Asia with good Iran, Iraq, Japan incl good face value section, Korea, China (incl some used), Taiwan and more. Please see a lot of picutres of the lot to get a good feeling, the albums are well-filled overall! To be recommended! Fine quality. Visa mindre
Lot 3464
Utrop 4000 SEK
Lot 3464
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Lot 3464 Rd
Utrop: 4000 SEK
Thematics Flowers. Collection mostly ** Mainly 1950s–1980s in three large thick stockbooks. A great coll. of sets and s.. Läs mer Thematics Flowers. Collection mostly ** Mainly 1950s–1980s in three large thick stockbooks. A great coll. of sets and souvenir sheets of flowers, plants, mushrooms etc from AFRICA. including many medium priced items in well-filled stockbooks. Some used/x included but clear majority and value on xx. See meny example pictures online. Fine quality. Visa mindre
Lot 3465
Utrop 3500 SEK
Lot 3465
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Lot 3465 A
Utrop: 3500 SEK
Thematics Flowers. Collection ** Mainly 1950s–1980s in two large stockbooks. A great coll. of sets and souvenir sheets o.. Läs mer Thematics Flowers. Collection ** Mainly 1950s–1980s in two large stockbooks. A great coll. of sets and souvenir sheets of flowers, plants, mushrooms etc from NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA including many medium priced items. Good range throughtout with much Commonwealth, but also Latin American countries. Attractive! Fine quality. (Thousands) Visa mindre
Lot 3466
Utrop 500 SEK
Lot 3466
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Lot 3466 A
Utrop: 500 SEK
Thematics Flowers. **/*/¤. Coll/accumulation mostly 1950's-90's in Visir binder. Containing many sets and some China etc. (>1000) Thematics Flowers. **/*/¤. Coll/accumulation mostly 1950's-90's in Visir binder. Containing many sets and some China etc. (>1000) Visa mindre
Lot 3467
Aktuellt bud: 2500 SEK
Lot 3467
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Lot 3467 Tc
Resultat: 2500 SEK
Utrop: 2500 SEK
Thematics Music. Collection **/*. in ten albums. Thousands of stamps. Approx. 18_kg. Thematics Music. Collection **/*. in ten albums. Thousands of stamps. Approx. 18_kg. Visa mindre
Lot 3468
Utrop 300 SEK
Lot 3468
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Lot 3468 K
Utrop: 300 SEK
Thematics Polar. Lot covers 1951–1972. 15 covers/postcards related to polar research from Australian Antarctic Territory.. Läs mer Thematics Polar. Lot covers 1951–1972. 15 covers/postcards related to polar research from Australian Antarctic Territory, Ross Dependensy, French Antarctic Territory, Norway (Svalbard) and more. Please see a selection of scans at Fine quality. Visa mindre
Lot 3469
Aktuellt bud: 1600 SEK
Lot 3469
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Lot 3469 Da
Resultat: 1600 SEK
Utrop: 700 SEK
Thematics Space. Accumulation mostly ** 1960s– in box. 4 albums with space related stamps. Remaining parts of a stamp de.. Läs mer Thematics Space. Accumulation mostly ** 1960s– in box. 4 albums with space related stamps. Remaining parts of a stamp delaer's stock, thus quite disorganized. Take a look. Fine quality. Visa mindre
Lot 3470
Aktuellt bud: 7200 SEK
Lot 3470
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Lot 3470 De
Resultat: 7200 SEK
Utrop: 1000 SEK
Thematics Stamps on Stamps. Accumulation mostly ** 1940–1970 in box. Stamps 100 years. Issues from a lot of countries ce.. Läs mer Thematics Stamps on Stamps. Accumulation mostly ** 1940–1970 in box. Stamps 100 years. Issues from a lot of countries celebrating the 100 year anniversary of'the first stamps. Series, sets, mini sheets, complete panes etc. 4 albums. Please inspect. Excellent quality. Visa mindre
Lot 3471
Aktuellt bud: 3000 SEK
Lot 3471
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Lot 3471 Rd
Resultat: 3000 SEK
Utrop: 3000 SEK
Thematics Trains. **/*/¤. 1 large album, 4 intermidate albums, as well as exhibition pages and 2 stockbooks, make this t.. Läs mer Thematics Trains. **/*/¤. 1 large album, 4 intermidate albums, as well as exhibition pages and 2 stockbooks, make this train collection very comprehensive. There are several dozen good covers here, many of which deal with early 20th century Italian lines such as ‘Bologna – Lecce’, ‘Milano – Firenze’, ‘Bologna – Venezia’, ‘Ventimiglia – Genova’, the 2 albums have trains from all over the world, written up countries such as Belgium, Bolivia, French Colonies, Latin America. The stockbooks contain mint train issues, often MNH including countries such as Yugoslavia, China, Romania, Russia, all countries taken at random with much in complete sets. Great lot for the train enthusiast. Visa mindre
Lot 5387
Utrop 1200 SEK
Lot 5387
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Lot 5387 A
Utrop: 1200 SEK
Thematics Flowers. Collection **/*/¤ in three visir albums. Also fungi and fruits. (1000) Thematics Flowers. Collection **/*/¤ in three visir albums. Also fungi and fruits. (1000) Visa mindre
Lot 5388
Aktuellt bud: 650 SEK
Lot 5388
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Lot 5388 A
Resultat: 650 SEK
Utrop: 300 SEK
Thematics Princess Diana. Collection/accumulation ** in three albums. H R H Princess Diana. Commemorative issues celebra.. Läs mer Thematics Princess Diana. Collection/accumulation ** in three albums. H R H Princess Diana. Commemorative issues celebrating a number of events in three albums. Almost complete material. Excellent quality. Visa mindre
Lot 5389
Aktuellt bud: 400 SEK
Lot 5389
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Lot 5389 Bc
Resultat: 400 SEK
Utrop: 300 SEK
Thematics WWF. Collection/accumulation ** modern in box. WWF commemorative issue "Endangered Species" in three binders... Läs mer Thematics WWF. Collection/accumulation ** modern in box. WWF commemorative issue "Endangered Species" in three binders. Stamps, FDCs and other issues, also including descriptive material about the different species. Excellent quality. Visa mindre

Europa, övriga världen samt motiv innebär en annan indelningsgrund för samlingar. Med ”Europa och övriga världen” avses främst samlingar som omfattar en viss världsdel och/eller en viss tidsperiod. Med ”motiv” menas samlingar som fokuserar på ett visst motiv/tema (exvis sport, Röda Korset, bilar, Slania, olympiska spel) och där man inte avgränsar till något särskilt land eller, i vissa fall, geografiskt område.

Philea erbjuder, vid varje auktion, ett antal samlingar som kan hänföras till denna kategori.

En Europasamling, Asiensamling eller Hela Världensamling innehåller, i regel, något slags tidsmässig avgränsning, exvis Hela Världen fram till 1920. Samlingsområdet blir alldeles för omfattande annars. Det här är ett populärt samlingsområde eftersom de politiska förändringarna över tid har medfört att frimärksutgivande områden tillkommit eller försvunnit, att frimärksutgivande områden har bytt från en nationstillhörighet till en annan eller frimärksutgivande områden haft en väldigt kort livslängd. Trieste, Memel-området i dagens Lettland eller Slesvig- området är exempel på sådant. Samlingen kan innehålla frimärken, brev, helsaker, stämplar mm.

En sådan här samling kan också avgränsas till exvis Franska kolonier och handelsstationer i Asien fram till 1960 eller f d Franska kolonier i Afrika. Det är det egna intresset som avgör och i de flesta fall har avgränsningarna en historisk eller politisk anknytning.

I en motivsamling söker man få ihop frimärken, brev, FDC, stämplar och vad det nu kan vara om ett visst motiv/ett visst tema. Broar, atlantångare, orkidéer, reptiler, flaggor, fotboll, VM-turneringar är bara ett par exempel på motiv/teman. Det är det egna intresset som styr. Här kan man samla både stämplade och ostämplade frimärken. Väljer man stämplade frimärken bör man se till att frimärksmotivet inte skyms av en stämpel. Det viktiga är att försöka skapa något slags struktur i det material man samlar på sig.