Lot 3013 P

German colonies. Mostly used. A well balanced collection, mint and used starting off with POs in China, this being the only catalogued section at a minimum of €700 – these include the different angle o/ps on the eagle issues 1901 to 1 m and the dollar o/ps 1906 this to $1. A similar pattern with German POs in Morocco from 1899 complete eagle o/ps, through to 1911 high values to 3 m, followed by equivalent 3 pesetas 75 cts surcharge, on to German POs in Turkey again with eagles complete and various different Germanias to higher values 2 m here with lots of interesting pmks to research. The German Colonies proper begins with DNG incl. o/ps through to Kaiser's Yachts wmk to 3 m, followed by DOA with both horiz and vert o/ps, latter complete and Kaisers Yachts to 2 m without wmk and to 1 m 1906 MNH. Then DSWA with various diagonal o/ps different types with and without hyphen to 50 pf 1900, more Kaisers Yachts to 1 m incl. latter used, followed by mixed m&u 1906 to 3 m. A similar pattern with Cameroons, Caroline Islands, Kiautschou to $2 ½ Marian Islands, Marshall Islands, Samoa and Togo, all with a very good representation of early o/ps to Kaisers Yachts to high values. 100s of stamps here, m&u, virtually all one a kind save the postmark studies, a much recommended and enjoyable viewing.
