Lot 2024 K

Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Great Britain. Unpaid letter dated "Stockholm d. 21 April 1858", sent by the steamer "Bore" to Lübeck, then sent via Hamburg and Ostende to London. Cancellations K. B. AUS SCHWEDEN, KDOPA LUBECK 24.4.1858, LUEBECK BAHNHOF 24.4, HAMBURG BERLIN 24.4 and LONDON FA 27.AP.58. Accountancy notations "4½" (Swedish share 2½ Sgr plus Danish share 2 Sgr) and "7½" (Prussian transit plus Swedish/Danish share) corresponding to single postage (16g). However, in Great Britain double postage applied (½–1 oz) for which reason postage due applied accordingly with 2 sh 4 d. Interesting and superb exhibition item.
