Literature. 'Handbok över Sveriges frankotecken 1855–1936' owned and signed by S. Ringström. Numbered edition 175 out of..
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Literature. 'Handbok över Sveriges frankotecken 1855–1936' owned and signed by S. Ringström. Numbered edition 175 out of 200. Two reprints of later date of 8 and 24 Skill Bco are glued in on the inside front cover. Visa mindre
Literature. 'Samling Beckeman' Part 1–6, the complete hardbound SET (6). A total of 525 pp., with colour illustrations.
Literature. 'Samling Beckeman' Part 1–6, the complete hardbound SET (6). A total of 525 pp., with colour illustrations. Visa mindre
Literature. Maritime mail. 'Svenska postverkets fartyg och sjöpostförbindelser under 300 år' (J. Rudbeck, 1933), 437 pp...
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Literature. Maritime mail. 'Svenska postverkets fartyg och sjöpostförbindelser under 300 år' (J. Rudbeck, 1933), 437 pp., hardcover. Used, with a few leaves with small corner folds. Sought-after and useful. Visa mindre
Literature. Accumulation of handbooks (eqiv.) as follows: 'Svenska frankotecken 1855–1905', 'Handbok över Sveriges frank..
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Literature. Accumulation of handbooks (eqiv.) as follows: 'Svenska frankotecken 1855–1905', 'Handbok över Sveriges frankotecken 1855–1946' and '1855–1963', 'Atlas handbok avs maskintillverkade häften samt handbok över Sveriges automathäften', 'Handbok över avarter på svenska bandmärken', 'Västerbottens läns poststämplar 1819–1999', Sandström-Sloma 'Samlarguiden för vykort', 'The Treskilling Yellow', plus colour guide (Nordisk Filateli). Approx. 15 kg. Visa mindre
Literature. AFA 'Vest-Europa' in three volumes and 'Ost-Europa' in two volumes, plus 'Postryttaren' in 26 hardbound voul..
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Literature. AFA 'Vest-Europa' in three volumes and 'Ost-Europa' in two volumes, plus 'Postryttaren' in 26 hardbound voulmes and 'Sveriges Franktecken 1855–1963'. Most be picked up. Approx. 27 kg. Visa mindre
Literature. Handbooks, etc. 'SFF:s Handbok Del I–III' in three separate soft bound volumes (Sveriges Filatelist-Förbund,..
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Literature. Handbooks, etc. 'SFF:s Handbok Del I–III' in three separate soft bound volumes (Sveriges Filatelist-Förbund, 1962–1964), 'Tidiga svenska datumstämplar del I' (SFF) and Aktuellt om Posthistoria, Nr 3 (1991), 8 (2003) and 12 (2014). All are used. (7). Visa mindre
Literature. Handbooks. 'Handbok över Sveriges frankotecken 1855–1946' (SFF), 'Handbok över svenska post- och makulerings..
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Literature. Handbooks. 'Handbok över Sveriges frankotecken 1855–1946' (SFF), 'Handbok över svenska post- och makuleringsstämplar 1685–1951' (SFF), 'Tidiga svenska datumstämplar' part I and part II (SFF) and 'En studie av de svenska lösenstämplarna 1843–1874' (SFF). All are used, some covers with stains. (5). Visa mindre
Literature. Handbooks. 'Handbok över Sveriges frankotecken 1855–1946' (SFF), 'Handbok över svenska post- och makulerings..
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Literature. Handbooks. 'Handbok över Sveriges frankotecken 1855–1946' (SFF), 'Handbok över svenska post- och makuleringsstämplar 1685–1951' (SFF) and 'Tidiga svenska datumstämplar' part I and part II (SFF). All used. (4). Visa mindre
Literature. Moxter, Hans G., Finnland – Feldpost, 1978, 278 pp., in German. Used.
Literature. Moxter, Hans G., Finnland – Feldpost, 1978, 278 pp., in German. Used. Visa mindre
Literature. Michel catalogues Western Europe 2022, Alp nations 2021, Appenine peninsula (Italy,the Vatican state, etc) 2..
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Literature. Michel catalogues Western Europe 2022, Alp nations 2021, Appenine peninsula (Italy,the Vatican state, etc) 2022, Iberian peninsula 2022, Germany 2022/2023. Approx. 5 kg. Visa mindre
Literature. Michel catalogues Benelux 2020/21, British Islands 2021/21, Iberian peninsula 2020, Western Europe 2021, the Alp nations 2022.
Literature. Michel catalogues Benelux 2020/21, British Islands 2021/21, Iberian peninsula 2020, Western Europe 2021, the Alp nations 2022. Visa mindre
Literature. Michel catalogues Germany 2021/22, Appenine peninsula (Italy, the Vatican state, etc) 2021, the Iberian peni..
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Literature. Michel catalogues Germany 2021/22, Appenine peninsula (Italy, the Vatican state, etc) 2021, the Iberian peninsula 2021, Western Europe 2020, the Alp nations 2020. Approx. 5 kg. Visa mindre
Literature. Michel catalogues Northern Europe 2014, Eastern Europe 2016/17, SW Europe 2018, Southern Europe 2018, Centra..
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Literature. Michel catalogues Northern Europe 2014, Eastern Europe 2016/17, SW Europe 2018, Southern Europe 2018, Central Europ 2018. Approx. 7 kg. Visa mindre
Literature. Michel catalogues Southern Europe 2016, Western Balkan 2021, Southern Balkan 2021, Mediterranian countries in Europe 2021/22.
Literature. Michel catalogues Southern Europe 2016, Western Balkan 2021, Southern Balkan 2021, Mediterranian countries in Europe 2021/22. Visa mindre
Literature. David Feldman, 'Rarities of the World', seventeen auction catalouges 1991 and 2004–11. All hardcover and all..
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Literature. David Feldman, 'Rarities of the World', seventeen auction catalouges 1991 and 2004–11. All hardcover and all except one with cloth. (17). Approx. 10 kg. Visa mindre
Literature. Heinrich Köhler auction catalogues 2019–2024, 53 volumes, all hardbound, incl. many name sales. Great refere..
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Literature. Heinrich Köhler auction catalogues 2019–2024, 53 volumes, all hardbound, incl. many name sales. Great reference letterature. The entire lot is presented at Approx. 33 kg. Visa mindre
Literature. Michel catalogues Northern America volume 1 2018, Central America 2010, the Casribbean volume 1 (A–J).
Literature. Michel catalogues Northern America volume 1 2018, Central America 2010, the Casribbean volume 1 (A–J). Visa mindre
Literature. Michel catalogues, Southern America 2013/14 (two volumes) and Central America 2015.
Literature. Michel catalogues, Southern America 2013/14 (two volumes) and Central America 2015. Visa mindre
Literature. Michel catalogues South East Asia 2017, South Asia 2016, Australia-Oceania-Antarctic 2016 (two volumes), Jap..
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Literature. Michel catalogues South East Asia 2017, South Asia 2016, Australia-Oceania-Antarctic 2016 (two volumes), Japan-Korea- Mongolia-Georgia-GUS in Asia 2017/18. Approx. 6 kg. Visa mindre
Literature. Müller, E., 'Grosses Handbuch der Abstempelungen von Altösterreich und Lombardei-Venetien', Die Postmarke, 1..
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Literature. Müller, E., 'Grosses Handbuch der Abstempelungen von Altösterreich und Lombardei-Venetien', Die Postmarke, 1925, 350 pp. Used with worn spine. Very scarce reference work. Visa mindre
Literature. Waschutt, A. W., 'Österreich – Freimarkenausgaben 1867. Hand- und Lehrbuch über Platten und Typpen, Untersch..
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Literature. Waschutt, A. W., 'Österreich – Freimarkenausgaben 1867. Hand- und Lehrbuch über Platten und Typpen, Unterschiede', 1972, 125 pp. Used. Visa mindre
Literature. Hanciau, L., 'La Poste Belge et ses Diverses Marques Postales 1814–1914', Le Philatéliste Belge, Bruxelles,..
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Literature. Hanciau, L., 'La Poste Belge et ses Diverses Marques Postales 1814–1914', Le Philatéliste Belge, Bruxelles, 1929, original edition, 474 pp. Some pages not cut at the top. Used. Scarce work. Visa mindre
Literature. De Bast, J., Herman, H., 'Bureaux Ambulants de Belgique 1840–1988', Club 92, 1998, paperback, xi + 463 pp. A..
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Literature. De Bast, J., Herman, H., 'Bureaux Ambulants de Belgique 1840–1988', Club 92, 1998, paperback, xi + 463 pp. A detailed and comprehensive handbook. Used. Visa mindre
Literature. E.D. Bacon, 'The Line-Engraved Postage Stamps of Great Britain Printed by Perkins Bacon & Co.', Volumes..
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Literature. E.D. Bacon, 'The Line-Engraved Postage Stamps of Great Britain Printed by Perkins Bacon & Co.', Volumes I and II, published by Chas. Nissen & Co., 1920, first edition, 240 large pp. + plates, and 322 large pp., respectively. Also 'Supplement' issued in 1929, 50 pp. All used in somewhat worn condition. Rarely offered set. Visa mindre
Literature. Dubus, L., 'London Cancellations Repairs and Re-Cutting from 1840 with more than 3000 illustrations', 1969,..
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Literature. Dubus, L., 'London Cancellations Repairs and Re-Cutting from 1840 with more than 3000 illustrations', 1969, two volumes, paperback, 283 + 312 pp., bilingual English/French. Used. Rare. Visa mindre
Literature. W.R.D. Wiggins, 'British Line Engraved Stamps: Repaired Impressions, 1855–1879 One Penny Die II', Robson Low..
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Literature. W.R.D. Wiggins, 'British Line Engraved Stamps: Repaired Impressions, 1855–1879 One Penny Die II', Robson Lowe, 1982, first, numbered edition No. 46, original cloth, xii+340 pp. Reproduction of the author's collection. Used. Visa mindre
Literature. Lot. Brumell, G., 'British Post Office Numbers 1844–1906, reprint 1971, 138 pp.; Rowe, The Forwarding Agents..
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Literature. Lot. Brumell, G., 'British Post Office Numbers 1844–1906, reprint 1971, 138 pp.; Rowe, The Forwarding Agents (II)', 1974, supplementary volume, approx. 40 pp; Willcocks/Jay, 'The Postal History of Great Britain and Ireland, 1972, 80 pp.; Newport, W., 'Stamps and Postal History of the Channel Islands', 1972, 214 pp. In total four volumes. Visa mindre
Literature. Osborne, H., 'British Line Engraved Stamps – Repaired impressions', H.F. Johnson, 1950, 238 large pp. + plat..
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Literature. Osborne, H., 'British Line Engraved Stamps – Repaired impressions', H.F. Johnson, 1950, 238 large pp. + plates. Used, the spine slightly affected by moisture. Visa mindre
Literature. Dendy Marshall, C.F., 'A Study of the Line-Engraved Twopence Postage Stamps of Great Britain', 1st ed., Harr..
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Literature. Dendy Marshall, C.F., 'A Study of the Line-Engraved Twopence Postage Stamps of Great Britain', 1st ed., Harris Publications, 1929, in original blue cloth, ii + 69 large pp. Used., the spine with faint toning and one page slightly loose. A very scarce work. SIGNED by the author. Visa mindre
Literature, Africa. Drysdall, A.,Collis, D., 'A Postal History of Mashonaland 1890–1896', Christie's Robson Lowe, 1990,..
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Literature, Africa. Drysdall, A.,Collis, D., 'A Postal History of Mashonaland 1890–1896', Christie's Robson Lowe, 1990, 186 pp., hardcover. Used in very fine condition. Visa mindre
Literature. Firebrace, J., 'Nineteenth Century Wars in Egypt and the Sudan – An illustrated postal history of selected c..
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Literature. Firebrace, J., 'Nineteenth Century Wars in Egypt and the Sudan – An illustrated postal history of selected covers, cards and autograph letters from the collection formed in the nineteen-seventies', 1997, 217 pp. Almost as new. Visa mindre
Literature. Rodger, J.G., 'The Postal History of Fiji 1876–1910', Philatelic Society of Fiji 1983, vii + 230 pages + map..
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Literature. Rodger, J.G., 'The Postal History of Fiji 1876–1910', Philatelic Society of Fiji 1983, vii + 230 pages + maps + plates, limited edition, No. 69 of 500 copies. Used. Visa mindre
Literature. 'Encyclopedie des timbres-poste de france, tome I' (two volumes), Academie de philathelie, 1968, 1448 pp. Ra..
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Literature. 'Encyclopedie des timbres-poste de france, tome I' (two volumes), Academie de philathelie, 1968, 1448 pp. Rare and essential work. Used. Approx. 5 kg. Visa mindre
Literature. Lenain, L., 'La Poste de l'Ancienne France, des origines à 1791', Arles, 1965, 752 pp. Reference work for th..
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Literature. Lenain, L., 'La Poste de l'Ancienne France, des origines à 1791', Arles, 1965, 752 pp. Reference work for the pre philatelic postmarks of France to 1791, all illustrated and valued, included a 150 pp. introduction. Sought-after. Used. Visa mindre
Literature. Blot, H., 'Nomenclature des obliterations des timbres-poste francais de 1849 à 1876', Chez L'Auteur 1946, hardcover, 298 pp. Used.
Literature. Blot, H., 'Nomenclature des obliterations des timbres-poste francais de 1849 à 1876', Chez L'Auteur 1946, hardcover, 298 pp. Used. Visa mindre
Literature. Lhéritier G., 'Les ballons montés. Boules de Moulins – Pigeongrammes – Papillons de Metz. Historique Evaluat..
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Literature. Lhéritier G., 'Les ballons montés. Boules de Moulins – Pigeongrammes – Papillons de Metz. Historique Evaluation Classification Cotation 1990', hardcover, 253 pp. As new. Visa mindre
Literature. 'Deutsche Vorphilatelie'. Catalogue with all prephilatelic postal cancellations in Germany, issued in 1988 w..
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Literature. 'Deutsche Vorphilatelie'. Catalogue with all prephilatelic postal cancellations in Germany, issued in 1988 with a supplement issued in 1990. The books are in good condition. Visa mindre
Literature. Wolfgang, M., 'Heinrich Koehler und seine Nachfolger', 2013, 494 pp., hardcover. As new.
Literature. Wolfgang, M., 'Heinrich Koehler und seine Nachfolger', 2013, 494 pp., hardcover. As new. Visa mindre
Literature. Lot. Werner, S., 'Postbuch 1945–1992', 1994, 416 pp.; Piendl, M., 'Thurn und Taxis 1517–1867', 1967, 112 pp...
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Literature. Lot. Werner, S., 'Postbuch 1945–1992', 1994, 416 pp.; Piendl, M., 'Thurn und Taxis 1517–1867', 1967, 112 pp. In total two used volumes. Visa mindre
Literature. Goodman, R. A. (editor), 'Guatemala 1 Postal History and Stamps to Mid 1902', Robson Lowe, 1969, hardbound,..
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Literature. Goodman, R. A. (editor), 'Guatemala 1 Postal History and Stamps to Mid 1902', Robson Lowe, 1969, hardbound, 275 pp, Winner of the Crawford medal in 1969. Used. Visa mindre
Literature. Eibl-Kaye, G., 'The Bombay Postal Circle its Organisation and Numbered Obliterators 1875–77', Handbook of In..
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Literature. Eibl-Kaye, G., 'The Bombay Postal Circle its Organisation and Numbered Obliterators 1875–77', Handbook of Indian Philately, Second Series – No. 2, 1998, 87 pp. With illustrations and maps. Used, rarely offered. Visa mindre
Literature. Foster, T., 'Jamaica, The Postal History 1662–1860', Robson Lowe, 1968, 180 pp., hardcover. Very useful, wit..
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Literature. Foster, T., 'Jamaica, The Postal History 1662–1860', Robson Lowe, 1968, 180 pp., hardcover. Very useful, with numerous illustrations. Used. Visa mindre
Literature. Ishikawa, R., 'The Forerunner Foreign Post Offices in Japan, British-U.S.-French, Ryohei Ishikawa's Collecti..
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Literature. Ishikawa, R., 'The Forerunner Foreign Post Offices in Japan, British-U.S.-French, Ryohei Ishikawa's Collection', Japan Philatelic Publications, 1976, hardcover, 164 pp., bilingual Japanese/English. Limited edition, rare. Small sticker on spine, otherwise almost as new. Visa mindre
Literature. Meiso, Mizuhara, 'The Korean Postal History 1884–1905', 1993, 450 pp., hardcover. Used in good condition.
Literature. Meiso, Mizuhara, 'The Korean Postal History 1884–1905', 1993, 450 pp., hardcover. Used in good condition. Visa mindre
Literature. Schatzkes/Schimmer, 'The Cancellations of Mexico 1856–1874', Robson Lowe 1964, 256 pp., first and limited ed..
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Literature. Schatzkes/Schimmer, 'The Cancellations of Mexico 1856–1874', Robson Lowe 1964, 256 pp., first and limited edition, No. 128 of 265 copies. Sought-after. Used in very fine condition. Visa mindre
Literature, Puerto Rico (ES). Garcia-Lomas, J. I., 'Resena – Inventario de Marcas, Sellos, Pruebas y enteros postales de..
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Literature, Puerto Rico (ES). Garcia-Lomas, J. I., 'Resena – Inventario de Marcas, Sellos, Pruebas y enteros postales de Puerto Rico (Como Dependencia Postal Espanola)', Colección Filatélica Hobby num. 2, Madrid, 1977, hardbound, 255 pp. Well illustrated. Used. Visa mindre
Literature. Pierce, A.D., Messenger, J.L., Lowe, R., 'St. Vincent – the postal history 1762–1915, the cancellations 1861..
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Literature. Pierce, A.D., Messenger, J.L., Lowe, R., 'St. Vincent – the postal history 1762–1915, the cancellations 1861–1915, the postage stamps 1861–1897 and the revenue stamps 1862–1897', Robson Lowe, 1971, hardcover, dustwrapper, xvi + 184 pp. Almost as new. Visa mindre
Literature. Forrester-Wood, W.R., 'Sarawak Stamps & Postal History', Sarawak Specialists' Society, 1960, 576 pp. + i..
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Literature. Forrester-Wood, W.R., 'Sarawak Stamps & Postal History', Sarawak Specialists' Society, 1960, 576 pp. + index, reprint ed., hardcover. As new. Visa mindre
Literature, Natal. Hart/Kantey/Leon, 'The Postal Markings of Natal', 1977, stamp and postal history manual, 168 pp., wit..
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Literature, Natal. Hart/Kantey/Leon, 'The Postal Markings of Natal', 1977, stamp and postal history manual, 168 pp., with fold-out map, hardcover, limited edition, No. 69 out of 100 printed, signed by the authors. Standard work. Used. Visa mindre
Literature. Guinovart, J., Tizon, M., 'Prefilatelia Española Nuevo Estudio de las Marcas Postales de España y sus Domini..
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Literature. Guinovart, J., Tizon, M., 'Prefilatelia Española Nuevo Estudio de las Marcas Postales de España y sus Dominios de Indias, Siglos XVIII y XIX', 1971, first edition, two volumes, hardcover, 989 pp., limited edition, No. 278 of 1000 copies. Excellent work of Spanish pre-adhesive postmarks. Visa mindre
Literature. GUEZALA AYRIVIÉ, A., '6 CUARTOS 1850 – Planchas, defectos, retoques, matasellos', Ediciones Grupo Filatélico..
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Literature. GUEZALA AYRIVIÉ, A., '6 CUARTOS 1850 – Planchas, defectos, retoques, matasellos', Ediciones Grupo Filatélico, Bilbao, 1936, hardbound (somewhat dirty), 355 pp. Used. Scarce. Visa mindre
Literature. THE PRAKAIPET INDHUSOPHON STAMP COLLECTION OF SIAM. Hardbound in slipcase. The 1989 issue written in Thai. T..
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Literature. THE PRAKAIPET INDHUSOPHON STAMP COLLECTION OF SIAM. Hardbound in slipcase. The 1989 issue written in Thai. THE COLLECTION OF CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS; A STUDY OF THAI MAIL 1688 – THE END OF KING CHULALONGKORN ERA by Anatchai Rattakul. Hardbound (1989). Both volymes in perfect condition, as new. (2). Visa mindre
Accessories. 1 kg of stamp mounts, size 21–93 mm, mostly full packages, in a small box.
Accessories. 1 kg of stamp mounts, size 21–93 mm, mostly full packages, in a small box. Visa mindre
Accessories. Approx. 2 kg of mounting tabs, size 24–93 mm, in complete packages in a small box.
Accessories. Approx. 2 kg of mounting tabs, size 24–93 mm, in complete packages in a small box. Visa mindre
Accessories. 40 packages with Facit stamp mounting stripes as follows: 27.5 mm × 10, 29 mm × 10, 30 mm × 10, 41 mm × 10.
Accessories. 40 packages with Facit stamp mounting stripes as follows: 27.5 mm × 10, 29 mm × 10, 30 mm × 10, 41 mm × 10. Visa mindre
Accessories. 45 packages with Facit stamp mounting stripes as follows: 26 mm × 10, 27.5 mm × 10, 29 mm × 5, 30 mm × 10, 41 mm × 10.
Accessories. 45 packages with Facit stamp mounting stripes as follows: 26 mm × 10, 27.5 mm × 10, 29 mm × 5, 30 mm × 10, 41 mm × 10. Visa mindre
Accessories. Approx. 2 kg of mounting tabs, size 21–93 mm, mostly in complete packages in a small box.
Accessories. Approx. 2 kg of mounting tabs, size 21–93 mm, mostly in complete packages in a small box. Visa mindre
Accessories. Stamp mounts (42 210 mm stripes) from Hawid, Leuchtturm and more as follows: 24 mm ×3, 25,5 mm ×2, 26 mm ×1..
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Accessories. Stamp mounts (42 210 mm stripes) from Hawid, Leuchtturm and more as follows: 24 mm ×3, 25,5 mm ×2, 26 mm ×1, 27,5 mm ×1, 28,5 mm ×3, 29 mm ×2, 30 mm ×3, 31 mm ×17, 33 mm ×11. Visa mindre
Accessories. Stamp mounts (42 210 mm stripes) from Hawid, Stanley Gibbos and more according to follows: 21 mm ×8, 24 mm..
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Accessories. Stamp mounts (42 210 mm stripes) from Hawid, Stanley Gibbos and more according to follows: 21 mm ×8, 24 mm ×8, 26 mm ×2, 29 mm ×8, 31 mm ×8, 33 mm ×8. Visa mindre
Accessories. Removal box with e.g. 17 stockbooks incl. at least five unused, visir binder + leaves, Leuchtturm supplemen..
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Accessories. Removal box with e.g. 17 stockbooks incl. at least five unused, visir binder + leaves, Leuchtturm supplement incl. Sweden until 1997, etc. Also some stamps and FDCs, etc. Approx. 36 kg. Visa mindre
Accessories. More than 300 THONGS (Pincetter) in golden colour, almost 12 cm long. High retail value!
Accessories. More than 300 THONGS (Pincetter) in golden colour, almost 12 cm long. High retail value! Visa mindre
Telephone cards, Sweden. More than 300 telephone cards (Telia) with different motivs.
Telephone cards, Sweden. More than 300 telephone cards (Telia) with different motivs. Visa mindre
Telephone cards, ALL WORLD. In box with six Schaubek/Leuchtturm albums, ca. 930 cards from Sweden and the world. Approx. 13 kg.
Telephone cards, ALL WORLD. In box with six Schaubek/Leuchtturm albums, ca. 930 cards from Sweden and the world. Approx. 13 kg. Visa mindre
Autographs. KARL XIV JOHAN (J B BERNADOTTE) (1763–1818–1844), King of Sweden and Norway. Handwritten signature on approv..
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Autographs. KARL XIV JOHAN (J B BERNADOTTE) (1763–1818–1844), King of Sweden and Norway. Handwritten signature on approval of application. 8 rd Ygberg revenue stamp affixed (graded as R in Facit). Several folds, horisontal tear, wears at top and the wax seal removed. An interesting document anyway, with the revenue fees specified. Visa mindre
Autographs. OSCAR II (1829-1872-1907), King of Sweden and Norway. Handwritten signature on recommendation of an appointm..
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Autographs. OSCAR II (1829-1872-1907), King of Sweden and Norway. Handwritten signature on recommendation of an appointment, dated 6 December 1872 at Stockholm Royal Palace. A Royal paper seal and four Charta Sigillata revenue stamps are affixed (25, 7 and 5 Rd, 20 and 15 öre Rmt). A two pages document in F–VF condition, folds and age marks of minor importance. Visa mindre
Autographs. OSKAR I (1799-1844-1859). King of Sweden and Norway. Appointment signed 'Stockholms Slott den 23 Januari 1846'. Several tears and stains.
Autographs. OSKAR I (1799-1844-1859). King of Sweden and Norway. Appointment signed 'Stockholms Slott den 23 Januari 1846'. Several tears and stains. Visa mindre
Autographs. SVEN HEDIN (1865–1952). Signed silhouette picture from 1918 by the artist Johan Leksell.
Autographs. SVEN HEDIN (1865–1952). Signed silhouette picture from 1918 by the artist Johan Leksell. Visa mindre
Autographs. Povel Ramel: 'Knäppupplevelser och över alltihopa lyste....'. 1952–1968. Cassette with 16 LP-records and inf..
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Autographs. Povel Ramel: 'Knäppupplevelser och över alltihopa lyste....'. 1952–1968. Cassette with 16 LP-records and informative description + autograph dated 24/7 1976. Visa mindre
Autographs. SVEN HEDIN (1865–1952). Double card with thanks for tribute in connection with his 70th birthday. Handwritten signature on first page.
Autographs. SVEN HEDIN (1865–1952). Double card with thanks for tribute in connection with his 70th birthday. Handwritten signature on first page. Visa mindre
Autographs. Small music collection Ten LPs with autographs by Lars Berghagen, Thore Skogman, Christer Sjögren and Jan Sp..
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Autographs. Small music collection Ten LPs with autographs by Lars Berghagen, Thore Skogman, Christer Sjögren and Jan Sparring, Eddie Condon's, Gösta Linderholm, Lars-Erik Frendborg, Jan Malmsjö and Lars Lönndahl, Staffan Percy, Göran Sand, David Clayton-Thomas. Also two CDs with Thåström and Christer Sandelin. One EP with Los Tremendes and finally a single with Elton John Island Girl with printed autograph. Mixed quality. Visa mindre
Documents, Sweden. Lot. Box with different documents, e.g. charta sigillata. Please see scans at
Documents, Sweden. Lot. Box with different documents, e.g. charta sigillata. Please see scans at Visa mindre
Comics, Sweden. Donald Duck (Sw: Kalle Anka) complete run from 1961 as a hardbound book in very good condition.
Comics, Sweden. Donald Duck (Sw: Kalle Anka) complete run from 1961 as a hardbound book in very good condition. Visa mindre
Comics, Sweden. Donald Duck (Sw: Kalle Anka) complete run from 1962 as a hardound book in a very good condition.
Comics, Sweden. Donald Duck (Sw: Kalle Anka) complete run from 1962 as a hardound book in a very good condition. Visa mindre
Comics, Sweden. Donald Duck (Sw. Kalle Anka) complete run from 1963 as a hardbound book in very good condition.
Comics, Sweden. Donald Duck (Sw. Kalle Anka) complete run from 1963 as a hardbound book in very good condition. Visa mindre
Comics, Sweden. The cartoon Karl Alfred, dated from Oct 1st, 1947–Dec 26, 1948 complete as a hardbound book. Approx. 5 kg.
Comics, Sweden. The cartoon Karl Alfred, dated from Oct 1st, 1947–Dec 26, 1948 complete as a hardbound book. Approx. 5 kg. Visa mindre
Comics, Sweden. Donald Duck (Kalle Anka) 1951–1981, 41 magazines in acceptable–fine condition. Approx. 5 kg.
Comics, Sweden. Donald Duck (Kalle Anka) 1951–1981, 41 magazines in acceptable–fine condition. Approx. 5 kg. Visa mindre
Comics, Sweden. The magazines 'Rekord-Magasinet med All-sport' and 'Levande livet' from 1948 and 1949. Unfortunately the..
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Comics, Sweden. The magazines 'Rekord-Magasinet med All-sport' and 'Levande livet' from 1948 and 1949. Unfortunately they are not in mint condition but nevertheless soon 80 years old. In total six volumes. Approx. 17 kg. Visa mindre
Collectable cards, ALL WORLD. Bookmarks. Ten albums, of which one from 1895. Germany, Great Britain and USA. Approx. 290..
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Collectable cards, ALL WORLD. Bookmarks. Ten albums, of which one from 1895. Germany, Great Britain and USA. Approx. 2900–3000 pieces. Please see scans at Approx. 5 kg. Visa mindre
Antiques - Clocks, Sweden. 15 Pocket clockwatches e.g. Waltham, in very mixed quality.
Antiques - Clocks, Sweden. 15 Pocket clockwatches e.g. Waltham, in very mixed quality. Visa mindre
Antiques - Clocks, Sweden. 29 Pocket watches/clockworks e.g. Omega, in very mixed quality.
Antiques - Clocks, Sweden. 29 Pocket watches/clockworks e.g. Omega, in very mixed quality. Visa mindre
Nautica, Italy. 1926 Lighthouse, old Turkish imprint document with Italian revenue 20 para on 65 centimes ("Governo di R..
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Nautica, Italy. 1926 Lighthouse, old Turkish imprint document with Italian revenue 20 para on 65 centimes ("Governo di Rodi" overprinted), tied by a red cds "General administraition of the lighthouses on Rhodos". Minor defects on the document. Extremely scarce! Visa mindre
Miscellaneous, Sweden. "SVEN-INGVARS". Three different EP records, all signed by the band members. The entire lot is presented at
Miscellaneous, Sweden. "SVEN-INGVARS". Three different EP records, all signed by the band members. The entire lot is presented at Visa mindre
Miscellaneous, Sweden. Buss and Tramway tickets, LIDINGÖ TRAFIK AB. Large stock of unused tickets remaining from the clo..
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Miscellaneous, Sweden. Buss and Tramway tickets, LIDINGÖ TRAFIK AB. Large stock of unused tickets remaining from the closure in 1971 and the years after. Containing a large number of different tickets, all in fine condidion. Approx. 32 kg. Visa mindre
Miscellaneous, Sweden. Ingmar Bergman´s 'Trollflöjten' by W.A. Mozart. Cassette with three LP-records in connection with..
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Miscellaneous, Sweden. Ingmar Bergman´s 'Trollflöjten' by W.A. Mozart. Cassette with three LP-records in connection with Bergman´s TV-movie. Text booklet in three languages included. Also 15 EP-records, e.g. ABBA 'Waterloo', Lasse Lönndahl, Gunnar Wiklund, Siw Malmkvist, Lily Berglund, etc. Mainly from 1970s. Visa mindre
Miscellaneous, ALL WORLD. Box with engravings, etc. connected with e.g. stamp engravers. The entire lot is presented at
Miscellaneous, ALL WORLD. Box with engravings, etc. connected with e.g. stamp engravers. The entire lot is presented at Visa mindre
Miscellaneous, U.S.A. Charles A. Lindbergh. New York – Paris, May 20th 1927. Collector's plate made in France.
Miscellaneous, U.S.A. Charles A. Lindbergh. New York – Paris, May 20th 1927. Collector's plate made in France. Visa mindre