Lot 2594 K

The Faroes. Prephilately. 1797 folded letter sheet from Copenhagen to "Constituerede Handelsforvalter Egtved i Thorshavn" (Trade Manager Egtved in Thorshavn – Sören Egtved was Trade Manager in Thorshavn 1796–1805), with "KONGL GRÖNL HAND OG FISKEF SEGL" Royal Trade Seal on the reverse. PIcture of the contents is enclosed (the original is in the Danish National Archive). The letter is dated in Copenhagen 21 April 1797 and was carried by the ship "Frue Andrae Kirstine", Captain Peder Jeppesen Munch. An extremely early letter sent to the Faroe Islands, earlier than recorded in DAKA. A great rarity!
