Literature. SFF "Filatelisten", complete 2017–2022 + some numbers from 2016. Approx. 10 kg.
Literature. SFF "Filatelisten", complete 2017–2022 + some numbers from 2016. Approx. 10 kg. Visa mindre
Literature. Sweden incl. " post- och makuleringsstämplar 1685–1951", "Albatrossposten, Norway "... die Norweg. briefmark..
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Literature. Sweden incl. " post- och makuleringsstämplar 1685–1951", "Albatrossposten, Norway "... die Norweg. briefmarken" in two vulmes, Denmark "AFA Specialkatalog 1995", plus exhibitiona catalogues from MonacoPhil and better auction catalogues incl. "name-sales" from e.g. Høiland, etc. In total 22 volumes. All used, in somewhat mixed quality. Approx. 11 kg. Visa mindre
Literature. Box with Swedish and foreign philatelic literature, including Swiss. Please see a selection of scans at www...
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Literature. Box with Swedish and foreign philatelic literature, including Swiss. Please see a selection of scans at Approx. 22 kg. Visa mindre
Literature. MICHEL: Germany "Spezial" 2021 pt 2, Western Europe (No. 6) 2019. Three used stamp catalogues in condition as brand new. (3).
Literature. MICHEL: Germany "Spezial" 2021 pt 2, Western Europe (No. 6) 2019. Three used stamp catalogues in condition as brand new. (3). Visa mindre
Literature. MICHEL: United Kingdom and Ireland (Europe vol.13) and the Channel Islands (Europe vol.14). Both are 2020 ed..
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Literature. MICHEL: United Kingdom and Ireland (Europe vol.13) and the Channel Islands (Europe vol.14). Both are 2020 editions. Oceania N–Z (Overseas vol. 7) 2016. Three stamp catalogues in condition as brand new, just written initials on back. (3). Visa mindre
Literature. 5 Michel catalogues: 1 Alpenländer 2021, 2 Mitteleuropa 2021, 2 Mitteleuropa 2019, 4 Südosteuropa 2019–20 an..
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Literature. 5 Michel catalogues: 1 Alpenländer 2021, 2 Mitteleuropa 2021, 2 Mitteleuropa 2019, 4 Südosteuropa 2019–20 and 7 Australien etc. 2012–13. Good quality. Approx. 6 kg. Visa mindre
Literature. German philatelic literature as - Michel Atlas zur Deutchsland-Philatelie - Die deutschen Postanstalte um di..
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Literature. German philatelic literature as - Michel Atlas zur Deutchsland-Philatelie - Die deutschen Postanstalte um die Jahrhundertwende - Der Postschutz und Luftpostschutz im Dritten Reich und den besetzten Gebieten - Michel Postgebuehren-Handbuch Deutschland (1er Ausgabe -Geschichte der Preussischen Post (H v Stephan) - Geschichte der deutschen Feldpost im Kriege 1914/18 - Zwei sehr alte Briefmarken-Kataloge. Approx. 7 kg. Visa mindre