Europasamlingar (17)

Lot 5964
Aktuellt bud: 1500 SEK
Lot 5964
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5964 A
Resultat: 1500 SEK
Utrop: 1500 SEK
EUROPE. ★★/★/⊙. Coll./accumulation the Netherlands, Spain and Greece classic–1980s in three stockbooks incl. also some C.. Läs mer EUROPE. ★★/★/⊙. Coll./accumulation the Netherlands, Spain and Greece classic–1980s in three stockbooks incl. also some Cyprus, etc. Please see a selection of scans at (2000) Visa mindre
Lot 5965
Aktuellt bud: 1500 SEK
Lot 5965
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5965 P
Resultat: 1500 SEK
Utrop: 1000 SEK
EUROPE. Collection mostly used classics on leaves. San Marino, Portugal, Romania. A few better. Mostly good quality. EUROPE. Collection mostly used classics on leaves. San Marino, Portugal, Romania. A few better. Mostly good quality. Visa mindre
Lot 5966
Aktuellt bud: 1100 SEK
Lot 5966
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5966 A
Resultat: 1100 SEK
Utrop: 1000 SEK
EUROPE. Collection/accumulation ★★/★/⊙ 1840–1930 in two albums. Two sparsely filled old albums, however with some "bette.. Läs mer EUROPE. Collection/accumulation ★★/★/⊙ 1840–1930 in two albums. Two sparsely filled old albums, however with some "better" stamps. Please see a selection of scans at Somewhat mixed quality. Approx. 5 kg. (>700) Visa mindre
Lot 5967
Aktuellt bud: 1100 SEK
Lot 5967
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5967 A
Resultat: 1100 SEK
Utrop: 1000 SEK
EUROPE. Collection/accumulation ★★/★/⊙ 1900–1940 in Schaubek album. Sparsely filled, but with a number of better stamps.. Läs mer EUROPE. Collection/accumulation ★★/★/⊙ 1900–1940 in Schaubek album. Sparsely filled, but with a number of better stamps / series / sets. the best material is from Germany (with areas), UK and Switzerland. Please see a selection of scans at Somewhat mixed quality. Approx. 5 kg. (>1500) Visa mindre
Lot 5968
Aktuellt bud: 1000 SEK
Lot 5968
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5968 A
Resultat: 1000 SEK
Utrop: 1000 SEK
EUROPE. ★★/★/⊙. Two Visir binders with various stamps 1860s–1990s incl. ** sets and souvenir sheets, covers incl. e.g. S.. Läs mer EUROPE. ★★/★/⊙. Two Visir binders with various stamps 1860s–1990s incl. ** sets and souvenir sheets, covers incl. e.g. Slesvig F1–14, ** France, Monaco Mi7**, etc. Visa mindre
Lot 5969
Aktuellt bud: 1400 SEK
Lot 5969
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5969 Ua
Resultat: 1400 SEK
Utrop: 1000 SEK
EUROPE. Collection used 1900–2000 in removal box without stamp mounts. The emphasis is on Finland in 12 albums and 6 box.. Läs mer EUROPE. Collection used 1900–2000 in removal box without stamp mounts. The emphasis is on Finland in 12 albums and 6 boxes. Some sorting. A nice mix with the chance of making a bargain. Mostly fine quality. Approx. 20 kg. Visa mindre
Lot 5970
Aktuellt bud: 1100 SEK
Lot 5970
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5970 Bb
Resultat: 1100 SEK
Utrop: 1000 SEK
EUROPE. Accumulation mostly ★★ in box. with most Sweden, year sets and booklets e.g. three "Rabatthäften". EUROPE. Accumulation mostly ★★ in box. with most Sweden, year sets and booklets e.g. three "Rabatthäften". Visa mindre
Lot 5971
Aktuellt bud: 1100 SEK
Lot 5971
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5971 Bc
Resultat: 1100 SEK
Utrop: 1000 SEK
EUROPE. Collection/accumulation mostly used six albums in box. Belgium, France, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Some bett.. Läs mer EUROPE. Collection/accumulation mostly used six albums in box. Belgium, France, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Some better stamps are included. Approx. 7 kg. Visa mindre
Lot 5972
Aktuellt bud: 800 SEK
Lot 5972
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5972 K
Resultat: 800 SEK
Utrop: 800 SEK
EUROPE. Lot ★★/★/⊙ classics–1950s. Eleven old auction lots incl. much Sweden, plus a few items from Austria, Denmark, Ge.. Läs mer EUROPE. Lot ★★/★/⊙ classics–1950s. Eleven old auction lots incl. much Sweden, plus a few items from Austria, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and Toscany. Also some Canada. Original reserve >3000. The entire lot is presented at Somewhat mixed quality. (58) Visa mindre
Lot 5973
Aktuellt bud: 700 SEK
Lot 5973
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5973 A
Resultat: 700 SEK
Utrop: 700 SEK
EUROPE. Miscellaneous. Romania: Collection **/*/used, classic–modern, 1960 onwards only **, incl. different watermarks,.. Läs mer EUROPE. Miscellaneous. Romania: Collection **/*/used, classic–modern, 1960 onwards only **, incl. different watermarks, perforations and shades. Michel more than € 2100. More modern valued at 50% off ** + Hungary: Collection ** from 1940, also Sport set 1925 cpl *. Michel more than € 1000. Please see a selection of scans at Visa mindre
Lot 5974
Aktuellt bud: 600 SEK
Lot 5974
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5974 K
Resultat: 600 SEK
Utrop: 600 SEK
EUROPE. Lot ★★/★/⊙ 1890s–1920s on stock cards. Selected sets and stamps from e.g. Belgium, Estonia, SAAR and Spain. The.. Läs mer EUROPE. Lot ★★/★/⊙ 1890s–1920s on stock cards. Selected sets and stamps from e.g. Belgium, Estonia, SAAR and Spain. The entire lot is presented at Mostly good quality. (95) Visa mindre
Lot 5975
Utrop 600 SEK
Lot 5975
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5975 P
Utrop: 600 SEK
EUROPE. Collection ★/⊙ 1850s–1953 on leaves. BENELUX countries, incl. back of the book material. Somewhat mixed quality. EUROPE. Collection ★/⊙ 1850s–1953 on leaves. BENELUX countries, incl. back of the book material. Somewhat mixed quality. Visa mindre
Lot 5976
Utrop 500 SEK
Lot 5976
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5976 P
Utrop: 500 SEK
EUROPE. Lot mostly ★★. Nice selection incl Swiss medium priced stamps/sets and some face value, Spain, two Finnish Red-C.. Läs mer EUROPE. Lot mostly ★★. Nice selection incl Swiss medium priced stamps/sets and some face value, Spain, two Finnish Red-Cross FDCs from 1950's and last but not least the Portugal NATO set from early 1950's. Visa mindre
Lot 5977
Utrop 400 SEK
Lot 5977
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5977 Cb
Utrop: 400 SEK
EUROPE. Collection used 1950–2000 in album with stamp mounts. Stamped collection Nordic/Europe divided into 7 albums. Mo.. Läs mer EUROPE. Collection used 1950–2000 in album with stamp mounts. Stamped collection Nordic/Europe divided into 7 albums. Mostly fine quality. Approx. 8 kg. (2000) Visa mindre
Lot 5978
Aktuellt bud: 700 SEK
Lot 5978
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5978 A
Resultat: 700 SEK
Utrop: 700 SEK
EUROPE, Baltic states. Collection ★/⊙ in album. with some duplicates. Please see a selection of scans at Mostly good quality. EUROPE, Baltic states. Collection ★/⊙ in album. with some duplicates. Please see a selection of scans at Mostly good quality. Visa mindre
Lot 5979
Utrop 600 SEK
Lot 5979
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5979 A
Utrop: 600 SEK
EUROPE, EAST EUROPE. Collection mostly used 1900–1940 in small album without stamp mounts. Predominantly Germany with di.. Läs mer EUROPE, EAST EUROPE. Collection mostly used 1900–1940 in small album without stamp mounts. Predominantly Germany with different states, plus some other countries. Fine quality. (400) Visa mindre
Lot 5980
Utrop 400 SEK
Lot 5980
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

Lot 5980 P
Utrop: 400 SEK
EUROPE, EAST EUROPE. Collection used 1870–1930s on leaves with stamp mounts. Including Hungary, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzego.. Läs mer EUROPE, EAST EUROPE. Collection used 1870–1930s on leaves with stamp mounts. Including Hungary, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Romania, Serbia, Chechoslovakia and Montenegro. Somewhat mixed quality. (400+) Visa mindre

Europa, övriga världen samt motiv innebär en annan indelningsgrund för samlingar. Med ”Europa och övriga världen” avses främst samlingar som omfattar en viss världsdel och/eller en viss tidsperiod. Med ”motiv” menas samlingar som fokuserar på ett visst motiv/tema (exvis sport, Röda Korset, bilar, Slania, olympiska spel) och där man inte avgränsar till något särskilt land eller, i vissa fall, geografiskt område.

Philea erbjuder, vid varje auktion, ett antal samlingar som kan hänföras till denna kategori.

En Europasamling, Asiensamling eller Hela Världensamling innehåller, i regel, något slags tidsmässig avgränsning, exvis Hela Världen fram till 1920. Samlingsområdet blir alldeles för omfattande annars. Det här är ett populärt samlingsområde eftersom de politiska förändringarna över tid har medfört att frimärksutgivande områden tillkommit eller försvunnit, att frimärksutgivande områden har bytt från en nationstillhörighet till en annan eller frimärksutgivande områden haft en väldigt kort livslängd. Trieste, Memel-området i dagens Lettland eller Slesvig- området är exempel på sådant. Samlingen kan innehålla frimärken, brev, helsaker, stämplar mm.

En sådan här samling kan också avgränsas till exvis Franska kolonier och handelsstationer i Asien fram till 1960 eller f d Franska kolonier i Afrika. Det är det egna intresset som avgör och i de flesta fall har avgränsningarna en historisk eller politisk anknytning.

I en motivsamling söker man få ihop frimärken, brev, FDC, stämplar och vad det nu kan vara om ett visst motiv/ett visst tema. Broar, atlantångare, orkidéer, reptiler, flaggor, fotboll, VM-turneringar är bara ett par exempel på motiv/teman. Det är det egna intresset som styr. Här kan man samla både stämplade och ostämplade frimärken. Väljer man stämplade frimärken bör man se till att frimärksmotivet inte skyms av en stämpel. Det viktiga är att försöka skapa något slags struktur i det material man samlar på sig.