Hela Världen-samlingar (7)

Lot 2506
Resultat: 15000 SEK
Lot 2506
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

ALL WORLD. ★★/★/⊙. One mans lifetime collection housed in over 40 albums, mint and used, most countries in the world here represented from Aden through to Zanzibar, much is in.. Läs mer ALL WORLD. ★★/★/⊙. One mans lifetime collection housed in over 40 albums, mint and used, most countries in the world here represented from Aden through to Zanzibar, much is in complete sets especially in the latter part of the 20th century, but also a good range of QV 19th century through to 1945. We found an average of 2500 stamps per album of which, each had several dozen pages from (60 min to 90 max), little duplication, the overwhelming majority being one of a kind. There must be 100,000 stamps, all completely uncatalogued and while we did not see any rarities, there are many 1000s of stamps here cataloguing between €1 to €20 each. We guestimate the catalogue must be in the order of €200,000. If you are looking for a well rounded foundational worldwide collection, including some 19th/early 20th century then look no further, as this is absolutely fit for purpose. The British Commonwealth would be the strongest, followed by Western Europe particularly former European Colonies. Visa mindre
15000 SEK
15000 SEK
Lot 2507
Utrop 10000 SEK
Lot 2507
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

ALL WORLD. ★★. Topicals, mint miniature sheets and sets, 2000 to 2018. An extremely diverse range housed in 3 well filled volumes with very colourful new issues up to the year.. Läs mer ALL WORLD. ★★. Topicals, mint miniature sheets and sets, 2000 to 2018. An extremely diverse range housed in 3 well filled volumes with very colourful new issues up to the year 2018 with hardly anything, if anything before 2000, a few miniature sheets, some of which will sell around $10+ each. Virtually all the sets are from countries, such as Estonia, Japan, Thailand, Great Britain, France Luxembourg (euro), Ukraine, Zambia, etc. However these are a small part of the value compared to the miniature sheets from Liberia, Malaysia, Mozambique, Rwanda, Maldives, Niger, Poland, Sierra Leone, St Vincent, Zambia to name a few, etc of various shapes and sizes, as well as gold and silver, metallic and every colour of the rainbow! Many different themes, for examples cars, wildlife, Olympics, space, royalty, military particularly WW2, horses, chess, science, soccer, table tennis, etc, etc. Some of the printing numbers are very small indeed, occasional printings numbers in the low 1000s or even less, as identified. A remarkable range with a new issue cost many multiples of our estimate and represents a tremendous retail opportunity. Ideal for a dealer or thematic collector not looking for duplication. Visa mindre
10000 SEK
Lot 2508
Resultat: 12000 SEK
Lot 2508
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

ALL WORLD. Mostly used. One man's lifetime collection, housed in 10 well filled albums, mint and used with plenty of sets, as well as high values, completely uncatalogued and.. Läs mer ALL WORLD. Mostly used. One man's lifetime collection, housed in 10 well filled albums, mint and used with plenty of sets, as well as high values, completely uncatalogued and very substantial. The 1st volume Afghanistan through to BAT, the 2nd album is Brazil imperf eyes through to Costa Rica, the best section probably being China from coiling dragon through to large Mao, as well as further better sets from the 1950s leading on Taiwan with se-tenant strips etc, the 3rd album is Cuba through Ethiopia with the best being Cyprus. The 4th album is Faroes through to IOM with loads of face value mint sets, as well as eurozone mint France, the 5th album is from Greece through to Italy, again plenty of mint sets as well as various ranges of 19th and early 20th century. Time does not permit further outline other than the pattern continues for the other 5 albums, i.e. the 6th with Japan through to Mongolia, the 7th Montserrat to Poland, the 8th Portugal through to SWA, the 9th Spain through to United Arab Emirates and finally the 10th album USA through to Zimbabwe. This collection will probably catalogue in the order €100,000+ the value is obvious throughout. A highly recommended viewing. Visa mindre
12000 SEK
10000 SEK
Lot 2509
Utrop 9000 SEK
Lot 2509
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

ALL WORLD. ★★/★/⊙. Very interesting box with stamps in e.g. nine albums + leaves. incl. good used collection Norway 1855–2004 in Facit album and Denmark 1851–2005 in two Stend.. Läs mer ALL WORLD. ★★/★/⊙. Very interesting box with stamps in e.g. nine albums + leaves. incl. good used collection Norway 1855–2004 in Facit album and Denmark 1851–2005 in two Stender albums, old covers Finland, better Germany, coll. in thick Citation album, etc. Please see a selection of scans at www.philea.se. Approx. 17 kg. Visa mindre
9000 SEK
Lot 2510
Utrop 6000 SEK
Lot 2510
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

ALL WORLD. Collection ★★/⊙. Franking labels, Frama and Klüssendorf, (Automatenbriefmarken och Computer Vended Postage Stamps) etc. Incl. covers, misprints, value print omitted.. Läs mer ALL WORLD. Collection ★★/⊙. Franking labels, Frama and Klüssendorf, (Automatenbriefmarken och Computer Vended Postage Stamps) etc. Incl. covers, misprints, value print omitted and variants. Several accompanied by certificate. About 150 labels and 50 covers in total from Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Portugal, New Zeeland, Kuwait, Brasil and Indonesia. High catalogue value. The entire lot is presented at www.philea.se. (200) Visa mindre
6000 SEK
Lot 2511
Resultat: 2900 SEK
Lot 2511
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

ALL WORLD. Mostly ★★. Collection with thematic sets, mostly flora & fauna in four stockbooks incl. e.g. about 85 souvenir sheets and many strips, etc. Please see a selecti.. Läs mer ALL WORLD. Mostly ★★. Collection with thematic sets, mostly flora & fauna in four stockbooks incl. e.g. about 85 souvenir sheets and many strips, etc. Please see a selection of scans at www.philea.se. (1900–2000) Visa mindre
2900 SEK
2500 SEK
Lot 2512
Utrop 1500 SEK
Lot 2512
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25 % köparprovision plus 20 SEK slagavgift tillkommer

ALL WORLD. ★★/★/⊙. Huge 60 page stockbook well filled, mint and used, overwhelmingly complete sets for countless topics. This lot is particularly strong in spaceships, flowers.. Läs mer ALL WORLD. ★★/★/⊙. Huge 60 page stockbook well filled, mint and used, overwhelmingly complete sets for countless topics. This lot is particularly strong in spaceships, flowers, wildlife, as well as a few miniature sheets with high face value such as USA/Marshall Islands, New Zealand, Hong Kong, lunar new year cycles, etc. A most visual and appealing collection. Visa mindre
1500 SEK

Europa, övriga världen samt motiv innebär en annan indelningsgrund för samlingar. Med ”Europa och övriga världen” avses främst samlingar som omfattar en viss världsdel och/eller en viss tidsperiod. Med ”motiv” menas samlingar som fokuserar på ett visst motiv/tema (exvis sport, Röda Korset, bilar, Slania, olympiska spel) och där man inte avgränsar till något särskilt land eller, i vissa fall, geografiskt område.

Philea erbjuder, vid varje auktion, ett antal samlingar som kan hänföras till denna kategori.

En Europasamling, Asiensamling eller Hela Världensamling innehåller, i regel, något slags tidsmässig avgränsning, exvis Hela Världen fram till 1920. Samlingsområdet blir alldeles för omfattande annars. Det här är ett populärt samlingsområde eftersom de politiska förändringarna över tid har medfört att frimärksutgivande områden tillkommit eller försvunnit, att frimärksutgivande områden har bytt från en nationstillhörighet till en annan eller frimärksutgivande områden haft en väldigt kort livslängd. Trieste, Memel-området i dagens Lettland eller Slesvig- området är exempel på sådant. Samlingen kan innehålla frimärken, brev, helsaker, stämplar mm.

En sådan här samling kan också avgränsas till exvis Franska kolonier och handelsstationer i Asien fram till 1960 eller f d Franska kolonier i Afrika. Det är det egna intresset som avgör och i de flesta fall har avgränsningarna en historisk eller politisk anknytning.

I en motivsamling söker man få ihop frimärken, brev, FDC, stämplar och vad det nu kan vara om ett visst motiv/ett visst tema. Broar, atlantångare, orkidéer, reptiler, flaggor, fotboll, VM-turneringar är bara ett par exempel på motiv/teman. Det är det egna intresset som styr. Här kan man samla både stämplade och ostämplade frimärken. Väljer man stämplade frimärken bör man se till att frimärksmotivet inte skyms av en stämpel. Det viktiga är att försöka skapa något slags struktur i det material man samlar på sig.